Heyyoo! I’m Taylor.

The girl with the camera in her hand. Although I am hoping to get to know you better soon… here’s a little about me so you’re not walking in blind :)


Some photographers have a cool, elaborate story about how they picked up a camera, and it’s like destiny smacked them across the face… That is not quite the case for me.

Picture this: I was a 12-year-old kid with a crappy little Canon camera in my hands. I would snap photos of anything that caught my eye – my faithful dog, my mischievous friends, even the colorful flowers that bloomed in our humble backyard.

I didn't realize it then, but that camera was about to spark a lifelong passion.

As time went on, like any young kid, I moved on to other hobbies. "Mom, it's not just a phase!" I promised, knowing deep down that photography held a special place in my heart. In high school, I dabbled with my camera, capturing candids of my friends in moments of undeniable laughter. Little did I know that these would be the first steps into what my future would look like.

Then, during my junior year of college, fate swept in. Some friends approached me, asking if I could take their graduation photos and without hesitation, I agreed. Little did I know that saying "yes" to that simple request would be the pivotal moment that changed the course of my life forever.

From that day forward, I couldn't put the camera down.

The lens became an extension of me, and I dove deeper into the world of photography. With each click, I discovered the power to freeze time and immortalize precious memories.

Booking one photoshoot after another, I realized that my passion was taking me down an unexpected path. It was a thrilling ride, but it came to a crossroads where I had to make a life-altering decision. Balancing both my photography career and my studies in Occupational Therapy became really difficult. So I took a leap of faith (more like a cannonball dive) and made the courageous choice to withdraw from college.

And so, here I am, now grateful for that leap of faith. Photography has become my true passion. It's an honor to capture life's most memorable moments for my clients.

But I really have my clients to thank.

If it weren’t for the people that supported me and put their trust in me I wouldn’t be right here where I am today. I am one thankful girl to do the job I love and am FULLY aware that it’s only because of awesome humans that hire me. <3




meet the rest of ts.j


    Mister Titus is my 5 year old chunk! Definitely gives big teenage brother vibes BIG TIME.

    He is stubborn, serious, and very laid back. He LOVES lounging, naps, belly rubs, and bath tub (or anything involving water).

    Although he doesn’t always love the idea of lil sister - they love playing tug of war and destroying the house in the process :’)


    Winnie girl is the baby of the bunch. And let me tell ya, she is for sure the annoying little sister.

    She’ll be two July 2024. She’s my little sidekick, there is no one she loves more than her mom <3 She loves playing, snuggling, and laying in the sun. & will never turn down a game of fetch!


Where can we adventure together?